To use sliders or not to use them?
by adesignguy Posted on 19/11/2014 12:37:29 | Category: Website DesignShare

Although sliders look appealing, they unfortunately use lots of bandwidth which can adversely affect page load speed, which is a ranking factor on major search engines. Imagine having 4 or 5 images containing offer information at 90kb per image, thats a whopping 400-450kb to add already to the text and other images, javascript and css files to load.
I have opted for now to use a slider on this website with captions for highlighting offers and web design services as they do look attactive and are great to show off different services you do. People love them as they look aesthetically pleasing to the eye, however my thoughts are that on some websites it may look better to have a grid of 4 different small images with header text explaining the different services and offers instead, which would drastically increase page load speed, thus being more SEO friendly as the page would be smaller in file size.